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Event Branding

Senior graphic designer

5 devices with design assets from a conference in NYC. Pages include FAQ, Maps, Experience, Homepage and Mobile.

Inforum NYC

As a senior graphic designer, I led a team of junior designers to deliver a successful Inforum event at Javits, under the supervision of the creative director. I pushed the envelope on design across all collateral, and my communication with vendors and production was a valuable learning experience that helps me succeed in the fast-paced world of event design.

Snapshots from the show

inforum infographic

Collaborating with a team of animators, creative directors, and designers, we created an opening video that showcases Infor and excites attendees. I designed the type treatment at the end and worked closely with the animators to bring it to life.

Other work from Infor

Behind the scenes

Working closely with an origami artist on our team, we developed a unique concept for Infor's holiday card. The video team embraced the challenge and brought the stop-motion animation to life. Above is the final product, and below is the storyboard that we presented to the C-suite (and received immediate approval for!).

Hand drawn storyboard of origami stop motion proposal for Infor Holiday card.